Latin American leaders to discuss migration crisis in Mexico

Latin American leaders to discuss migration crisis in Mexico

Given that 1.7 million migrants have arrived at the Mexico-US border this year alone, the issue is seen as a major political debate in both countries as presidential elections are held next year.


Leaders of Latin American countries are to discuss the migration crisis at a summit on Sunday at the archaeological site of Pelenque in the Mexican state of Chiapas.

Hosted by Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the summit, organized to address the problems caused by the irregular migration crisis deeply affecting the continent, was attended by 10 heads of state and foreign ministers of participating countries.

Given that 1.7 million migrants have arrived at the Mexico-US border this year alone, the issue is seen as a major political debate in both countries as presidential elections are held next year.

According to the Mexican government, 35,000 Guatemalans and 27,000 Hondurans and 60,000 irregular migrants from Venezuela entered the country last month alone.

In her statement before the summit, Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena said it would be difficult to solve the problem unless a policy was developed to address migration not only between Mexico and the United States, but also from the north of South America to the United States. .

According to experts who follow the Latin American continent, host Mexico thinks that countries in the region should set a policy as a common front and then seek cooperation with the United States.

7.1 million Venezuelan citizens fled their country

Amid US sanctions and political and economic crises, some 7.1 million Venezuelan citizens have fled the country and settled in regional countries, one of the main problems fueling the continent’s migration crisis.

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In a statement he issued before the summit, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said the problem of irregular migrants is a “structural problem” that affects the entire region.

Lopez Obrador said, “We must stop the growing flow of migration and protect migrants in the face of increasing risks. I hope to negotiate a joint assistance plan.” He used expression.

A recent report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) stressed the “unprecedented” flow of migrants in the Americas and the need for greater cooperation between Central American countries and Mexico.

The United Nations (UN) on April 14 announced the number of irregular migrants trying to pass through the Darien Gap, an irregular migrant route that borders Central American country Panama and South American country Colombia. , may increase to 400 thousand this year.

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