Language plays a contemporary role with the word “believe”

Language plays a contemporary role with the word “believe”

Particularly on the Catholic side, folk customs existed alongside formal doctrine and rituals, such as unrecognized local saints. These customs were often beyond the control of the clergy. Priests usually considered folk beliefs superstition. They claimed a monopoly on the “true” faith. Power relations gave rise to two types of “faith”.

With the advent of the scientific worldview alongside the religious one, the ecclesiastical monopoly was undermined. The term “faith” took on the new meaning of “assuming something that is not scientifically true.” In this way a different way of “faith” emerged – a conviction of life without the sacred. One could say, “I believe in science.”

Because it turned out that it was possible to leave the church, the meaning of faith as “belonging to the church” was emphasized. Reports on the state of secularization are published semi-annually. The title says “fewer and fewer believers”. If you read, it means that fewer people belong to the Church. Faith as a member of the Church.

This does not mean that those who leave the church continue without faith. Even if people exercise on Sunday morning, they keep items of faith: a collection of songs that touch the heart in times of crisis, a lit candle. This is the situation for about half of the Dutch population, including the lovers of Mattheus-Passion and The Passion. Faith without a church.

Interestingly, scientists are becoming more aware of the role of unproven assumptions in their work. Even within science one can intuitively “assume something is not scientifically true”. However, people are saying, “I think we need to explore that more.” Belief in doubt.

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Language plays a contemporary role with the word “believe”. Is the use of your language flexible?

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