Lale Gül and Nikkie de Jager at a wonderful lunch for the royal couple

Lale Gül and Nikkie de Jager at a wonderful lunch for the royal couple

Writer Lale Gül, presenter Nikkie de Jager, NOS weather forecaster Gerrit Hiemstra, and speed skater Thomas Krol were among those invited to the so-called Superb Tuesday lunch. 26 Dutch people have been invited to Nordende Palace who have recently received an award or other award for their achievements in sports, science and culture.

For example, Gol was invited because she won the NS Audience Award 2021 for her book Ik ga Leven, De Jager for winning the Televizier-Ster Presentatrice, and Hiemstra won the Machiavelli Prize 2021 this year and Krol became the world and Olympic champion. Also among the guests were speed skaters Zandra Velzibor and Antoinette de Jong, radio producer Stefan Stas and actor Joost Spekers.

However, not only the famous Dutch were invited. This year, for example, the 2021 Teachers of the Year in Primary, Secondary, Special and Secondary Vocational Education, Engineer of the Year, Best Local Principal and Johannes Vermeer Prize winners were invited.

With lunch, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima would like to express their appreciation and appreciation to people who have made a special achievement.

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