Lacrosse, a new sport lands in Breda at SV Advindo Athletic Club |  Breda

Lacrosse, a new sport lands in Breda at SV Advindo Athletic Club | Breda

BREDA – A new sport is launched in Breda: Grassroots Lacrosse. The sport, in which players are equipped with a stick with a net through which they can pass the ball and score a goal, came from North America and Canada and is based in sports and football club SV Advendo in Breda-Noord.

Quick, creative, tactical and team play, initiator Daniel Sternborg describes the sport of lacrosse. He has already established clubs in Bergen op Zoom and Vlissingen. Walnut is also on the way, and now Breda too. In Canada, lacrosse is the official and national summer sport for ice hockey players.

Breda Ice Hockey Club

It is not without reason to seek cooperation with the Breda Ice Hockey Club Yeti, which has been around for five years and has 180 members. Ice hockey season ends at the end of March. Sterenborg: We’ve looked at how we can best overlap seasons to make lacrosse suitable for ice hockey players. The first clinics are now planned, and dozens of members have already registered.”

Friday evening

Advendo will provide the fields for Lacrosse on Friday night. Geir Brugman, president of SV Advendo is excited: We were immediately curious about the sport. We hope to make a nice addition to Breda’s sporting environment.”

Sternburg will now draw the attention of schools to sports. There are three age groups in the sport: youth up to 16, up to 29 and over 30. You can register for courses until summer vacation, rent a stick and participate in regional tournaments.

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