Koppert Cress adds sunshoe leaves to the range
Goppard introduces cress sansho leaves. “A fresh flavor reminiscent of citrus, yuzu, and kaffir lime. This freshness is accompanied by peppery and spicy notes. When these leaves are eaten, a gentle tingle is produced, comparable to a Szechuan button. These fresh leaves have a sensational flavor.” Kress said.
“Sansho leaves can be used whole and work well in a variety of applications. Of course this product goes well with North and East Asian cuisine, but it also lends itself well to other cuisines. The citrus notes of Sansho leaves pair well with fish, meat and shellfish. , a great addition to cocktails and infusions. Sansho’s palate-cleansing effect makes desserts a truly unique taste experience.”
The sansho leaves plant is also known as Japanese mountain pepper and finds its way into Japanese cuisine in various forms. Fresh seasonal berries of this plant are picked and used fresh, dried or pickled. Dried sansho berries are one of the seven spices in shichimi, a spice blend in Japanese cuisine. The young leaves are pounded with a Japanese mortar, suribachi and surikoki, and used in hotpot and aemono (dressed dish).
“Traditionally, surikogi, mortar, is made of wood from the sansho tree, giving food its subtle hint of flavor. The dried leaves of this plant are used as a spice or topping, and are called ginum. In Korea, the sansho Portuguese imported chilies from the Americas for centuries, and the leaves used in jang masala paste ( Sobi) Jang Masala Paste of Sansho leaves laid the foundation for the famous gochujang masala paste with chili that we all know today.”
Sansho leaves are available year-round and can be stored at 2-7°C for up to a week. “Produced according to socially responsible cultivation methods, Sansho leaves meet hygiene standards in the kitchen. The leaves are ready to use and, even when dried, the leaves retain their effect. Cultivated according to all modern food safety measures.”
For more information:
Copert Kress
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