KNHS wants to improve welfare by tightening enforcement and focusing on science

KNHS wants to improve welfare by tightening enforcement and focusing on science

Horse welfare was an important topic at last week’s KNHS Council of Members meeting. In order to improve welfare, KNHS wants to focus on the following points: “Transfer of information and knowledge are important components of this. Tighter enforcement and focus on scientific research are also part of the action plan.”

“The equine care approach plan for the next two years is ready and this has been outlined. An important part of this is that we are entering into discussions with each other and with different groups within the sector about what is involved in equine care and equine-friendly riding and getting consensus on this Then we have to unequivocally communicate this to each other, our supporters and the community in a positive way. Information and knowledge transfer are important components of this. Tightening the application and focus on scientific research is also part of the action plan.”

“Enforcement in relation to horse welfare is becoming increasingly important and KNHS will actively focus on this in the coming years.”

source: KNHS

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