Karen van de Chitges crying: I’ll never come back

Karen van de Chitges crying: I’ll never come back

Three months ago, Karen finally left for Holland. “It’s of course a big step (…) sitting on each other’s lips for five years won’t leave you out in the cold. We’re starting to live like brother and sister and no longer pay any attention to each other,” explains Karen.

While Karin tries to build a new life, Hans runs the golf course on his own. ‘She left with a planned leave, which was also granted to her. She has decided never to come back and leave me here with everything’, Hans begins to speak. He hopes in the bottom of his heart that Karen will return, despite his better judgment. ‘I didn’t appreciate her very much.’ Never. Now I have to do everything myself and I’ve earned so much respect for her. I didn’t really realize what she was doing.”

It was not an easy adventure for both of them. For example, their house was very close to the neighbor’s house and had to be moved three meters. The local government has also halted construction of the golf course.

At a certain point, Karen felt like a lot of work was just on her shoulders. “I really don’t miss it. All the work basically came down to me. Grocery, paperwork, making sure supplies are in order, sweeping jobs, call it whatever you want”, as you say.

However, it was not an easy decision to leave everything behind. She continues: “Of course I leave something beautiful behind. It was my idea and we didn’t get it as a gift. And then things go wrong, which is a shame.”

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Karen sees a rosy future for herself: ”I’m not afraid I won’t be able to work. I have a positive attitude and a lot of work (…) Anyway, I will never go back.

Hans has never regretted the decision to move to Bonnier and that will not change for now. “I am not going back to Holland anyway. I really want to stay here. I will make plans again and make it fun old fashioned.”

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