Just Eat Takeaway cuts ‘up to 170’ customer service jobs

Just Eat Takeaway cuts ‘up to 170’ customer service jobs

Photo: ANP

The meal delivery company Just Eat Takeaway, Thuisbezorgd’s parent company, will reorganize customer service. With the division focusing on the office in Sunderland, UK, “up to 170” people will lose their jobs. A company spokeswoman reported this after being reported by Het Financieele Dagblad.

It indicates that an ‘internal solution’ is being sought for a large part of the staff. The reorganization will also not have any impact on the Dutch colleagues, but will mainly take place in the UK and Australia.

Financieele Dagblad reported Thursday, based on an internal statement published by the paper, that it is “essential” for Just Eat Takeaway to make customer service more efficient. According to the Department of Internal Affairs, this will also include layoffs.

A spokesperson who spoke to the newspaper notes that it is not yet known how many people are taking check-in at Just Eat Takeaway. It will depend on “hostility among employees to accept another job in the company”.

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