Jim Bakum ‘sad’ about son going to high school | RTL Street

Jim Bakum ‘sad’ about son going to high school | RTL Street

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Jim Bakum ‘sad’ about son going to high school | RTL Street


Jim Bakum has been having a hard time this week with the emotions he’s been experiencing at the end of his son Lux’s elementary school years. “I needed some time to find some words for this week. I know that sounds really dramatic. Anyway, I wasn’t prepared for the feelings that completely overwhelmed me this week,” Bakum shared a photo of his son.

In his letter, Bakum recalls the time his son went to elementary school for the first time. “This week I had exactly the same depressing feeling. We had the eighth grade band, the crazy final concert, and his kids’ party — too late. I got prouder every day. But suddenly I also got sadder,” the singer and actor wrote. “All those years of elementary school, the reports, the conversations with teachers, the ups and downs, the friendships he built with his amazing friends, his 7.5-year date with the sweetest girl imaginable… This week it felt like it was all going to disappear in one fell swoop.”

Bakum is well aware that things will change. He deliberately took this time off work so he could support his son in the process. “Even though my mom and dad are more involved in it than him,” Bakum concludes. “Man, sometimes I get tired of getting older. I’m very proud of my whistle.”

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