Japan has the lowest percentage of women studying science: OECD report

Japan has the lowest percentage of women studying science: OECD report

The organization’s latest annual report shows that in 2019, Japan had the lowest percentage of women studying science among the 36 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development noted a large gender gap in Japan in the fields known as science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and said the country should inspire women to undertake these studies.

The photo was taken on November 1, 2018, and shows the laboratory of a Nobel Prize-winning researcher in Kyoto, western Japan. (Kyodo)

In science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in Japan, women in science, math and statistics made up 27% of tertiary education, well below the OECD average of 52%, according to the Education at a Glance 2021 report.

A report released in mid-September looked at the proportion of women in higher education in 2019, and Japan announced its tax rate in 2018, which ended in March 2019.

Most are registered in Slovakia with 65%, followed by Poland with 63%. The Czech Republic and Lithuania accounted for 60%.

Japan was largely defeated by Belgium, the lowest, at 40 percent.

In Japan’s technology, manufacturing and construction, the proportion of women was only 16%, while the OECD average was 26%. The highest percentage was 39% in Iceland, 36% in Poland and 33% in Greece.

Japan was the lowest among 37 comparable OECD countries in terms of the amount of national wealth spent on educational institutions in 2018.

Public spending on primary and lower secondary education was 2.8% of GDP in Japan and Ireland, compared to the OECD average of 4.1%.

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Norway promised more, by 6.4 percent. Costa Rica and Iceland remained close, spending 6.2 percent and 5.5 percent, respectively. France, among other countries, spent 4.5 percent, the United States 4.1 percent and the United Kingdom 3.9 percent.

Between 2012 and 2018, government spending and total spending on primary and secondary education in all OECD countries except Chile, Hungary and Iceland grew at an average rate lower than GDP.

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