“It is incomprehensible that this NPO 1 broadcast in prime time Friday evening” |  Media podcast

“It is incomprehensible that this NPO 1 broadcast in prime time Friday evening” | Media podcast

AD Media podcastThe media board naturally looks at this year’s TV party: Presenting gold tv ringwith the correct winner according to the panel to here. But Angela de Jong thinks: Now to here They win the ring, they are obligated to cooperate in organizing next year’s party.”

Jan Slagter is having a hard time programming it during prime times on the weekend. Omroep Max has two formats that average results over the weekend: the song And the Big Little Train Competition. Max’s magic seems to be gone. The committee asks: Why is this?

At the Radio Corner, we’ll be doing an audio tour of all the new radio shows in the coming weeks. with this week Barend & Binner back Quinn and Sander ShowBut on Friday. More attention to the announcement of Case van der Sek about him without leaving a traceBefore ChansonsBefore bike there With Chatilla van Grinsven and Rutger Castricum (convalescence: Our lifetime) and frozen zoos (displayed in NTR).

Angela de Young discovers during the podcast that her shop window is still empty, presenter Manuel Venderbus admits he sold his soul to the devil (and no: he doesn’t mean Talpa) and media journalist Dennis Janssen begins speaking during a podcast. Talk on the phone.

I listen! to weekly AD Media podcast, where TV columnist Angela de Young and reporters Dennis Jansen and Mark Den Blanken discuss all the major, marginal, and side issues in the media. The show is in the hands of Manuel Venderbus. Do you prefer to use your favorite podcast apps via spotify or An apple? And that can! Find all of our podcasts at ad.nl/podcasts.

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Rutger Castricum and Chatilla van Grinsven.

Rutger Castricum and Chatilla van Grinsven. © PowNed

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