Isarbide after Tabor World Cup: ‘Was right in America’;  Van der Haar: ‘Eli is great’

Isarbide after Tabor World Cup: ‘Was right in America’; Van der Haar: ‘Eli is great’

Eli Iserbid has won his third World Cup cross of the season. After two cyclocross races in the US, the Belgian The best of the field. Dutchman Lars van der Haar fought hard to finish second.

Isarbite has been second in Tabor for the past three years. The leader of the World Cup standings is therefore happy to finally get a win. “It’s always been a tough course to win,” he quotes Sporza It is. “It’s a bit of my black beast, and I’m glad I tamed her. I was still in America at the first part of the cross,” Iserbite said, referring to the resulting jet lag.

This manifested itself in a somewhat laconic attitude. “I don’t travel with care.” However, this did not lose him. However, he feels he has to move forward considering what’s to come. “I will do something different in the next matches considering the European Championships. We want to be fresh in the beginning there.’

Van der Haar: ‘Maybe I should have gone earlier’

Van der Haar suffered from jet lag. The Baloise-Trek Lions rider intentionally skipped the World Cup in Fayetteville. He still won Iceberg in 2021, but this year he was five seconds behind the Belgian. “Stronger won today. I tried to drive him but couldn’t close the gap. So he was better. Maybe I should have gone earlier,” he said. Flash interview.

A remarkable fact at the Cross was that a large group of riders managed to rejoin the front runners as they retreated. I felt that the four of us (Iserbait, Michael VanDorenhout, Laurence Zweig and van der Haar himself, Ed.) were very strong in this competition, so I wasn’t afraid of the boys who could come back. In the last three rounds I was fully focused and I didn’t care who came.

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