International Triathlon Federation allows transgender women to participate |  Currently

International Triathlon Federation allows transgender women to participate | Currently

Transgender women are allowed to continue to participate in women’s international triathlon competitions. This has International Triathlon Federation I decided on Wednesday. Under the union’s new rules, transgender women will have to deal with more restrictions.

For example, transgender women have to lower their testosterone levels for two years. Previously this was one year. Transgender women are also not allowed to participate in the women’s competition four years after their transition if they previously participated in the competitions as a man.

The triathlon federation is responding to a request from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which announced the guidelines last year and asked federations to set up their own “sport-specific” rules. The new rules only apply to international competitions.

The triathlon federation’s decision fits well with the federation’s mission, according to World Triathlon president and IOC member Marisol Casado. “We are a small international association, but we always have inclusivity and gender balance in its DNA.”

Many female triathletes are expected to protest the union’s policies on unfair competition. There are two camps in science. A group of experts claims that by lowering the level of testosterone, transgender women can easily participate in normal female competition. Other scholars assert that an unfair fight would arise anyway.

The decision in the world of triathlon contradicts the statements of the International Swimming Federation (FINA) and the International Rugby Union (IRL). Both unions voted against expanding opportunities for transgender people.

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