If happiness is hereditary, what can you do with it?

If happiness is hereditary, what can you do with it?

I like to spend my time in places where a lot of people gather. The perfect place for families to come. I love seeing how similar children are to their parents. In attitude, in behavior, in response to the situation. Without parents consciously teaching their children how to stand, walk, sit, act, and react, the similarity is often striking. An hour of observing families makes me feel happier.

Of course, we have long known that children resemble their parents. After all, parents pass on part of their genetic material, and in most cases they also create the environment in which children grow up. Research on twin families around the world clearly shows that this is not the case nature to CareBut there is always an interaction between genes and environment.

And feeling happy? Is there also an interaction between genes and environment? Here too the answer is: Yes! Twin family research shows that forty percent of differences in happiness between people can be explained by genetic differences between people. The remaining sixty percent is due to differences in environmental impacts. It also means that my feeling of happiness is not your feeling of happiness, and that what makes me happy may be something completely different from you.

What can we do with that? First, it is important to emphasize that heredity does not mean determinism. Genetic differences do not prevent all people from progressing in their feelings of happiness. With the right (self-)knowledge, attention and interventions, everyone can improve their sense of well-being. But we don't all start from the same point. Someone will rate their life at six and perhaps rise to seven, while another person will start at seven due to their genetic predisposition and may rise to eight or even nine.

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Second, the genetic predisposition to feel happy shows that we are all different and that it is easier for some to feel happy than others. This person becomes happy with different things than the other. Respecting these differences, and recognizing these differences between yourself and another person in every connection, will make the world a more beautiful place.

But the most important thing is that we should not always consider happiness as just a result. our Luxury society It is designed so that we are busy with all kinds of things, and the end result is happiness. Given the genetic predisposition to happiness, I strongly believe that we should start feeling happy. So let's explore if we can turn it around.

Schools first provide time, space, and genuine interest in how students and teachers feel before planning (cognitive) lessons and testing them. In the business world, first take time, space, and sincere interest in how employees feel, before talking about production. ObjectivesAnd profit. With government, you first have to give time, space and sincere attention to how people feel before implementing measures. In this way we create a society in which happiness and well-being are the starting point. And even as a catalyst through which we can achieve what now seems impossible. Society based on luxury. Who is in?

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