“I don’t have to embrace your transition” |  reader column

“I don’t have to embrace your transition” | reader column

In the news: Women are going through menopause. More than half of them go through menopause when they are at work. Very briefly in the news, it was revealed that there is a treatment that helps prevent menopausal complaints. This treatment is the regulation of hormones. It doesn’t always seem to help, but it gave me a convincing push to cross the proverbial threshold.

regulating hormones

I am very happy with those around me. The treatment consists of a strip of pills that bring your hormone level back into balance during the transition so you don’t have to stay in the curtains all the time, sweating and crying.

I heard about its existence from a friend. Not from my doctor. When I asked my doctor about it, he paused, then asked if I had symptoms of depression and if I knew the pills increased my risk of breast cancer. of 0.4 percent. learned that. However, in my opinion, this danger outweighs the blind panic – both physical and mental – caused by the transformation. I told him that. He doesn’t seem to like it.

What if men…

Finally, after wandering around and using the mirror method (‘Doctor…what if a man hits menopause–he becomes gloomy, restless, fat, sweats at unfortunate moments and can hardly sleep–you think? Doesn’t that mean the pill will be dispensed automatically?’ ) I got my birth control pills.

I was allowed to try it for three months and a week later I was jumping back in the street. When I was called for a check-up three months later, I was a flicker-free ambassador. My doctor heartily pleaded for proactive information for all women entering his clinic around the age of 45. “Every woman should know this,” she exclaimed. I yelled, “Tell them, hypothetically, give them a choice.”

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“Hey lady”

I thought I could detect a certain pity in my doctor’s eyes. “Oh, lady” I saw him think “is still a little hysterical…” He did not give the impression that he would follow my suggestion. So I sent an email to the National Association of General Practitioners. the same suggestion. I didn’t get an answer.

Then let’s move on to this channel: we will deal with it ourselves. There is a treatment that helps. It is up to us whether we want to use it. You don’t have to “adopt” your transition and then completely lose yourself for a few years. It may be, not necessary. I know that. Ask your doctor about it.”

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