How simple asparagus reduces the risk of colon cancer –

How simple asparagus reduces the risk of colon cancer –

To prevent colon cancer, it is wise to not smoke, drink little or no alcohol, and take aspirin regularly.

Research has shown that regular use of low-dose aspirin (75-325 mg daily) can reduce the risk of colon cancer. A meta-analysis of 14 studies, published in 2018 in the journal Gamma OncologyIt was found that the risk of colon cancer decreased by about 30% in people who took aspirin daily.

The effect of aspirin on colon cancer is greater in people at high risk of developing the disease. These are people with a family history of colon cancer, people with a genetic predisposition to colon cancer, or people with certain intestinal diseases, such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or ulcerative colitis.

Aspirin may also help reduce the risk of colon cancer recurrence. A study published in 2016 in the journal Lancet OncologyIt was found that the risk of colon cancer recurrence decreased by about 35% in patients who took aspirin daily.

Bron (Nin): Newspaper
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