Hotel America Open Hoekse Tennis Championship

Hotel America Open Hoekse Tennis Championship

In the categories 4 to 8 and in the age categories 17+ and 35+, there will be competitions in singles, doubles and mixed. If you still want to participate, registration is possible until Sunday, June 30.

This week’s theme is flower power and the club’s decorations and music will be specially designed for this purpose. Did you know that you can also enjoy a delicious meal every evening at the VT de Hoek club? Jasper Amerlaan from Sam’s Restaurant is there for you every day with his team!

Celebration night

The party night takes place on Friday evening, July 12th, and the party is kicked off by Hoekse DJ Shenn! She will play a mix of hardcore, house and Dutch songs. Nothing is mandatory, everything is allowed, but it would be great if you dress in a flower style. The organization hopes to make this a great evening for all participants and spectators!

The semi-finals will be held on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 July. The joint awards ceremony and closing ceremony for the week will be held on Sunday afternoon.

The fixtures and results can be found on the website The first matches will probably not be played until Monday 8 July.

This tournament can only be organised in this way with the help of the following sponsors: Hotel Amerika, iTennis Westland, Restaurant Saam, Restaurant De Jongens, AH Weernekers and Etos HvH, Grünewald BV, Holster Beveiliging and John Spork Bouwproducten BV.

The organization hopes for a wonderful sunny week and wishes all participants and spectators good luck and, above all, fun!

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