Harvard team goes in search of extraterrestrial life

Harvard team goes in search of extraterrestrial life

A team of researchers from Harvard University is looking into space technology. They will do this using telescopes and artificial intelligence.

Avi Loeb, a professor in Harvard’s Department of Astronomy, will lead the project, aptly named Galileo. He and his team will be looking for him Technological civilizations outside the planet Or alien technological societies.

Project Galileo will analyze data from astronomical surveys and observations through telescopes. It will develop a new algorithm based on artificial intelligence to identify potential travelers between stars, satellites and UFOs.

“Science should not reject potential extraterrestrial explanations because of social stigmas or cultural preferences that are not conducive to an empirical and unbiased scientific method,” Loeb said in the statement. “We must now dare to search through new telescopes, both literally and figuratively.”

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Loeb previously suggested that a cosmic object called ‘Oumuamua, which flew above Earth in 2017, is an example of space technology.

It remains to be seen whether the Galileo project will actually be able to provide an answer to the question whether there really is life beyond Earth. But a serious search for physical evidence increases the chances of finding such examples of space technology, Harvard says.

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