Hammer slams De Mol after new report The Voice: ‘It didn’t feel right’ |  modes

Hammer slams De Mol after new report The Voice: ‘It didn’t feel right’ | modes

Hammer wonders if it’s all right now

The Government’s sexual misconduct commissioner is unsure what to do with ITV’s investigative summary. “It’s not a cultural study,” she says, “because the culture in the company is not examined.” “This is not an investigation of integrity, it is not clear who is responsible. Everything floats up a bit now and then.” Hammer also wonders if all is well at ITV, as the company claims.

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RTL wants to have a “strong conversation” with the company, but it doesn’t want to define the purpose of that conversation. victims The Voice of the Netherlands The management of the Dutch ITV team in charge wants to resign following the report published on Wednesday.

ITV did not say whether this was being considered by the management team.

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