Grammar mistakes make you less attractive

Science Proves: Grammar mistakes make you less attractive

© Sandy de Vries
Science Proves: Grammar mistakes make you less attractive

Still want to double-check your Tinder bio?

If you still don’t do it after infinite swiping the one It is time to check if there are any language errors in your profile. Tilburg University has shown that you are more likely to swipe your finger to the left when there are spelling or grammatical errors on your resume. aiii …

negative opinion

It goes like this: Tilburg University compared 12,000 dating profiles from different sites and apps and showed them to participants along with a set of dummy profiles with and without language errors. Then they were allowed to give their opinion on the profiles. A third of the participants did not notice the errors at all. For people who discovered bugs, this immediately led to a negative opinion about the profile.

The biggest culprits? DT errors are particularly common. In addition, profiles containing “I” instead of “she” instead of “OK” caused negative reactions.

magnifying glass

researcher Tess van der Zanden He explains why this happens: “There’s very little information available on someone’s profile, and it’s often just a picture and a few sentences. You have to decide if you find someone attractive based on that. So it’s all under a magnifying glass.” When you have a drink or coffee together, the grammatical errors are not easily noticed, but of course it is different online.

handsome head

Now you’re probably thinking: “Well, luckily I have a pretty face, so no one cares about that spell.” But then this search comes with a file reality check. It turned out that the attractiveness of the person in the pictures had no effect on the effect of language errors.

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Even though the person in the photo has a good head, we still spend the same amount of time on the text. “Attractiveness of the person in the picture did not affect the amount of attention given to the text, nor did it influence the effect of any linguistic errors,” says van der Zanden. Yikes. Anyway, we double check Sirs Tinder, Bumble, and Happn. Then again, for guaranty.

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