Children and nature: a topic that is regularly written about. For example, a Norwegian research in 2004 showed that children between the ages of 5 and 7 who are allowed to play in the forest every school day, Make significant progress in their motor development . According to Dutch research from 2007, the natural play environment provides Also for more creative playing behaviour . Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder He seems to be able to focus better After walking in the green area. According to various studies, it appears that children who spend a lot of time in nature at an early age, Later be more inclined to make an effort to protect that nature .
So much to learn about children and nature. Because it’s at least so nice that kids can read about nature and science on their own. The theme of the current Children’s Book Week, which began on October 5 and runs through October 16, is particularly relevant for this: this year’s theme is “gi-ga-green!”
On this page are four tips for green books, fun for children of all ages…
Gemma Finhuizen
Gert Jan Roypers writes in his book: ‘When you go into nature, it is as if you are hearing a language that you do not understand a single word of’. species treasure . If you want to understand this language, you have to start somewhere. where? with this book. It offers interesting and entertaining descriptions of over a hundred species of birds, plants, insects, mammals, and mushrooms, with delightful illustrations by Peter Vannes.
In fact up to my ear in plastic Compulsory food for all. Not only because of Meryl Cordoener’s glamorous illustrations, but also because of the plethora of adorable plastic facts that Daniel Bolen put on paper. What types of plastic are there, what do we do with them and where does it all go in the end? Just ask, because all the answers are in this book.
book check Inside the barn owl
It really is a children’s book to examine Van Bram Langveld and Ari van Riet are not, but really beautiful X-ray pictures of animals are interesting to everyone. Cricket, soft tortoise, barn owl: you look at them with completely different eyes once you see what’s inside them. Frogs, for example, appear to have “calcium pockets” next to their spines, and squids have white granules in their head.
What’s not in your parents’ safari guide From honey badger to spider baboon
Golden Old Man, this kids’ safari guide by Joukje Akveld, with photos by Ariadne van Zandbergen. Full of facts about the animals of the African savannah: what animals are included in the list five shy and that the pig Pumbaa from the king lion The animatronic is actually female (because she only has handles on her head, not four like males).
A version of this article also appeared in the October 8, 2022 newspaper