Floor Jansen will find out what it’s like to be a solo artist |  stars

Floor Jansen will find out what it’s like to be a solo artist | stars

In recent years, Jansen has played solo shows. “But because of the pandemic, I couldn’t do much.” What the singer has been able to do during the pandemic is write. “I had the time to figure out what kind of music I wanted to compose on my own, but also what I didn’t want to make. I’ve worked with different people.”

Jansen made a splash in her career as a metal singer, but her new music has a “pop jacket” in it. “I said, ‘I’ll do something other than metal and I don’t know what it would look like. It’s now called a pop, with a rock edge. But it feels like the word and that’s the most important thing.’” For Jansen, it’s important to put her feelings into a song. “Compared to metal, it’s less heavy, but still cinematic and dramatic.”

Ridiculously positive

The singer’s “feeling” came great with her first single, shootingthat came out on Friday. She says the response she has received so far has been “ridiculously positive”. “I’ve never asked anyone why I needed to compose a pop song. Of course there are people who like to hear heavy metal, but they are very positive about pop music. On the other hand, there are also people who were just hoping that I would make a pop song.”

Last week, Jansen announced that he had signed a record deal with ADA, the distribution division of Warner Music Group. Jansen’s first solo album is expected to be in early 2023.

In the Netherlands, the general public got to know Janssen through her participation in the programme Dear singers† Issuance phantom of the operaWhich she sang with Henk Port, was a huge hit. In April, Jansen will be shown in the German version of Dear singers

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