Extreme heat in Italy, Greece and Turkey

Extreme heat in Italy, Greece and Turkey

Looking for coolness on the coast in southern Europe. Image: Adobe Stock/Travel Book

Greece is still suffering from extreme heat and this heat is now reaching Italy as well. Locally it can reach 40 degrees or more, which is maximum for June. We usually don’t see these types of outliers until the second half of summer. Cooling can be found on the coast, with lower temperatures and seawater of 23 to 24 degrees. It will get a little hotter from the weekend onwards.

The heat wave began in Greece last week And Turkey, and then it became temporarily less warm over the weekend. But the tropical heat never quite goes away, and temperatures this week range widely between 30 and 35 degrees. The sun shines abundantly. Also on Crete The temperature on the islands located in the Aegean Sea reaches 30-35 degrees daily. And inland on the mainland maximum temperatures reach 35-40 degrees! And also in Turkish coastal resorts on the Aegean Sea, such as Bodrum in Izmir It is very hot at 36-38 degrees.

From the weekend onwards, temperatures on the mainland will be slightly lower. This is how it becomes Athens From Sunday it is around 33 degrees and this is still quite warm in full sun, but less extreme. The temperature is usually 30 degrees in June in Athens.

Central and southern Italy are also very hot

Extreme heat spread from southeastern Europe to Italy. The temperature there will be 30-35 degrees across the board and in the center and south it will now be 35-40 degrees for a number of successive days. This is how it becomes Rome Thursday was also 38 degrees. Locally the temperature can rise to 42 degrees. These are much higher than normal temperatures for June.

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It also becomes very hot inside the islands of Sicily and Sardinia, where temperatures may reach 40 degrees. The temperature is usually around 26 degrees in Sicily in June, and from the weekend onwards, it will become even hotter in southern Italy with 30-33 degrees.

In northern Italy and Croatia it is also very warm at the beginning of summer. The temperature is around 30-35 degrees daily with plenty of room for sunshine. This makes it seem as if high summer has already begun. In the Italian Alps there are some heavy rains and thunderstorms every day.

You can cool off by the sea

The weather in southern and southeastern Europe is ideal for cooling off on the beaches. The wind often blows off the water. The temperature of the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Aegean Seas is now between 23 and 24 degrees, which makes the wind from the sea really refreshing at this time of year. As a result, the temperature on the beaches often stays around 30 degrees, which is much more pleasant than the local forty degrees inland. If you swim in the sea, this will of course cool you down even more.

More pleasant temperatures can also be found in Spanish Costa And the Balearic Islands. The temperature there will be 25-30 degrees which is very bearable.

High sun power

Please note the very high strength of the sun when you are on holiday on the Mediterranean. With this temperature, not only will you easily sit in full sun, but you can also get a sunburn in the shade at this time of year. The sun’s strength is expected to be 8-10, which means your skin could burn in as little as 10 minutes in the second half of the morning and first half of the afternoon. This will take a little longer in the shade, but you can still burn within an hour. So, use sunscreen with a high protection factor. You can also burn early in the morning, later in the afternoon, and early evening.

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