Every minute counts, according to Heart Rate Now, but the app doesn’t seem designed to help quickly

Every minute counts, according to Heart Rate Now, but the app doesn’t seem designed to help quickly

Jasper van Kuijk

Peter Jock: Can you take a look at the heart rate app now? Can you be called as a civil emergency worker to revive people? Rip twice this week and twice I’ve sailed like a car while jogging. Plus, I switched to the AED, one of these resuscitators, when we already had one. I wanted to be with the victim at the right time. This took literally minutes. I’m sooo excited now.

Jasper: “I’ll dive into this, maybe I need you.”

PJ: “That’s good, let me know!”

Jasper: ‘Well, when I look at the comments, there are more people who are unhappy with the app. Some indicate that they were first directed to the AED, but then you have to enter the CPR website address manually yourself. sporadic. Only, I can’t see it all for myself, because I have to create an account to get into the app and need a CPR diploma for that. I don’t have it. Do you remember how that went with resuscitation, whether it was correct to enter these addresses and whether you could choose to walk or by car? ”

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PJ: Maybe, but I really don’t remember. You will receive a message and then you should respond quickly. You should already be able to run test alarms until you learn how to work with navigation.

Jasper: “Wait a minute: Sign up and then you have no idea what would happen if you had to resuscitate someone?”

PJ: “Yes.”

Jasper: “Hey, that’s not good. A good suggestion that you should be able to practice with. Then you know what steps and instructions you’re going to take and the choices you have to make.

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PJ: “Yeah, because right now you have a massive adrenaline rush and then you get kind of tube vision.”

Jasper: Exactly. We should really be looking at the interface at that moment. Am I pretending to have a heart attack near you? ”

PJ: “Haha, if only I could start your heart with electric shocks.”

Jasper: “Maybe we should come up with something else. This app is technically well designed, with data links and everything, but they seem to have forgotten the human aspect. How do we give people the right information in such a hugely stressful situation and let them make the decisions. It has a very clear and anti-fatigue interface Allow people to indicate whether they already have an AED or not, it is better to direct them to the correct address and allow users to practice.On their website Hartslagnu says that when every minute counts, quick help is vital, But that’s not what the design of the app really looks like. It would be a shame if people dropped out because of it.

PJ: Yes, or die. But this is also a kind of leak.

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