ERNOP begins a new series of webinars to further connect practice and science

Following last year’s series of seminars, the European Research Network for Philanthropy (ERNOP) is organizing a new series of knowledge sessions, with the aim of sharing the results of scientific research with practitioners. During the eight webinars, many scholars share the latest insights on a particular topic. Discussions following presentations are moderated by a field expert.

Future leaders and leadership development in philanthropy and nonprofit organizations

Date: December 6, 2022, 11am-12pm

Internal talent pools nurture and support the leadership potential of foundations, fundraising organizations, and nonprofit organizations. Nils Gibb, from the University of Hamburg’s School of Business, Economics and Social Sciences, discusses how human resource strategies for preserving talent pools can protect organizations from uncertainties and crises that can lead to a shortage of quality employees. How can foundations and non-profit organizations provide their organizations with good talent pools?

During this webinar, Gibb offers insight into what makes contemporary job talent decide against a job in the nonprofit sector, focusing on recruitment and the critical conditions in a job offer. In addition to intrinsic motivation, money and job security, leadership development will be discussed as an additional attraction.

The discussion will be led by Delphine Morales, CEO of the European Philanthropy Association (VELIA).

For more information and registration, see the ERNOP website.

The role of measuring impact in generating teamwork

Date: January 10, 2023, 11 AM – 12 PM

Major social challenges, such as climate change, poverty and inequality, are too complex to explain properly. Working on solutions requires the participation and innovation of many stakeholders with different goals and values. This requires concrete and sustained teamwork, but it is not easy to manage these efforts properly.

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During the webinar, Lisa Hennberger, affiliated with the Department of Strategy and General Management of the educational institution ESADE in Barcelona, ​​will discuss how writing and arithmetic processes affect complex social issues. Focuses specifically on measuring impact and impact investing. What are the mechanisms that influence the impact measurement process? By proposing a model of “measured action”, you discuss how the different steps in the process (definition, formulation, implementation) relate to the extent to which teamwork is achieved.

The discussion will be led by Priscilla Boiardi, Policy Analyst at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

For more information and registration, see the ERNOP website.

This article previously appeared in Vakblad Fundraising, Volume 24, Number 5, which appeared in November 2022.

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