Erasmus University professors wear gowns in primary schools to promote science – Rotterdam Declaration |  The Havenlods

Erasmus University professors wear gowns in primary schools to promote science – Rotterdam Declaration | The Havenlods

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ROTTERDAM – Dozens of professors from Erasmus University Rotterdam will ride into the city on their bikes on May 23 wearing gowns to introduce science to primary school students after the start signal from Minister Dijkgraaf.

On Thursday 23 May, for the first time, approximately 50 professors from Erasmus University Rotterdam, dressed in gowns, will head to the city to introduce children to science and the work of a professor in several primary schools. They total approximately 1,000 primary school students (9-13 years) spread across Rotterdam. Before visiting the professor, students complete various tasks to learn about science.

Science in the classroom in primary and secondary education is of great importance. The seeds of choosing a college education are sown here, but not all children are automatically motivated to pursue a college education.

Various studies have shown that exposing children to science at an early age enhances their progression to higher education. In this academic year 2023-2024, Erasmus University Rotterdam will celebrate its 110th anniversary. Under the title Make minds matterEUR celebrates education, research and its connection to society.

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