Eleven people were decorated to mark the 155th anniversary of the founding of the Court of Justice

Eleven people were decorated to mark the 155th anniversary of the founding of the Court of Justice

In the context of the 155th anniversary of the Court of Justice, President Chandrikapersad Santokhi paid tributes to eleven people. These persons were all nominated by the Court of Justice, taking into account the advice of the Suriname Awards Decoration Committee and accepted by the Head of State.

This ceremony was attended by First Lady Melissa Santokhi Senaccieri, Speaker of the National Assembly Marinos B, members of the Council of Ministers, President of the Court of Justice Ioan Rasolpax, members of the Court of Justice, and the lawyer. General of the Court of Justice, Directors and Chairman of the Surinamese Awards Advisory Committee, Interior Designers and their Families. The honoring ceremony was held at the Presidential Palace on Friday, May 3.

Of all the nominations made by the Court, these are persons who have made an exceptional contribution to the nation, particularly in the field of judiciary, legal administration, lawyers and/or officials who have served for a long time in the Court. Several foreigners were also honored, who are highly respected friends of the Suriname judiciary, who have made special contributions to the development of the Suriname judiciary in word and deed over many years.

They have performed exceptionally through direct or indirect contact with the court for the benefit of society to protect the independence of the judiciary and uphold the rule of law.

Hans Lim A Po was awarded the Order of the Palm of Honor as holder of the Grand Cordon. Jurgen de Miranda, Shardapersad Gangaram Panday, August Ermelin and Carlo Gadnanansingh were appointed Grand Officers of the Order of the Palm of Honor.

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Hugo Kenneth, Fernández Méndez, Adolf Stefanus Ruip, and Willem Ludwijk Falk were appointed Commanders of the Order of the Palm Honoris Causa, while Aniel Otard, Jan de Boer, and Letitia Thejem were appointed Officers of the Order of the Palm Honoris Causa.

President Santokhi considered it an honorable mission, as President of the Republic of Suriname, to recognize people for their selfless services to the community. “People who voluntarily commit themselves to charitable work or communal life and are generally concerned for others or are socially significant should be appreciated,” the head of state said.

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