Duchess Marie-Marguerite, Queen of France-Venezuelan

Duchess Marie-Marguerite, Queen of France-Venezuelan

© Redactie Beau Monde
Duchess Marie-Marguerite, Queen of France-Venezuelan

If France had another queen, it would be this lady.

You rarely hear about it, but there is still the King and Queen of France walking around. At least that’s what the family thinks. Meet Mary Margaret, Duchess of Anjou and Queen of France.

Maria Margherita

Who is the woman besides Louis XX de Bourbon, direct descendant of the French kings? Although it is now known as duchess Mary Margaret, her name is Maria Margherita Vargas Santaella. The 37-year-old is a member of the royal family and is the daughter of a wealthy Venezuelan lawyer and banker. I grew up in Venezuela and United States of America, but she got acquainted with the ancient European nobles thanks to her son-in-law. This is how I also met Duke Louis de Bourbon, one who believed he had the right to the French throne and, even then, was a licentious one. jet. The couple married in 2004 and since then the Venezuelan beauty has been allowed to do so Duchess of Anjou Mention.

Queen of France

We want you Memories of the past To save your history lessons, so we’ll cut them short. The French Revolution ended the monarchy (you know, beheading Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI), but in the decades that followed, two attempts were made to restore the House of Bourbon. However, since 1848, there is no longer anyone on the royal throne, but descendants who believe in The rightful heir to the throne We still have enough today.

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Louis de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou, is one of the people who can be considered head of the French royal house. A role that he and his wife, Mary Margaret, take very seriously. “There is no monarchy in France. Fulfillment,” said Marie-Marguerite in a 2010 interview. “But I don’t think anything like that will happen.” And “King” Louis also keeps his feet on the ground: “I have no fortune of my own and I have no castle. When I visit Paris, I stay with my mother.”


The “next heir to the throne” is also ready: namesake Louis (11 years old), eldest son of Mary Margaret and Louis XX. He is slightly older than his twin brother Alphonse, who thus misses the nickname. Also, the French The only daughter of the royal family, Madame Royale Eugenie (14 years old) and another son Henry (2 years).

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