Discover ‘The American Way of Life’ with Michael Voss

Discover ‘The American Way of Life’ with Michael Voss


Son and Bruegel – Bookstore De Travers hosts Michael Voss at Dommelhuis on Friday, July 5 at 8 p.m. Michael is an American journalist and reporter. Twenty years ago he moved permanently to America as a somewhat naïve immigrant with romantic ideas about his new country.

He is now a citizen who can hold up a mirror to his adopted motherland. A Dutch boy from Maastricht, he became an American by marrying the daughter of Nancy Pelosi, a prominent political figure.

In an attempt to unravel the myths of his new world, Michael takes us to the ‘American way of life’, or what remains of it. As in his recently published book, he talks about the American establishment. He has access to the White House and can talk about his encounters there with flavor and humor. Voss has spent the past twenty years experiencing America and seeing it change. America has become a deeply divided country, where ‘deplorable’ and ‘have it all’ are diametrically opposed to each other.

Ahead of the presidential election in November 2024, Vos tries to answer the question of how it is possible for the once-proud American people to put Trump on their shield (or not at all) again after four years. Storming the Capitol. After his lecture, Michael will answer questions from the audience and sign his books.

Order tickets Or ask at T Traverse Bookstore.

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