Deterioration in thinking ability in Alzheimer’s disease can be predicted.

Deterioration in thinking ability in Alzheimer’s disease can be predicted.

The Alzheimer’s Center in Amsterdam has developed a predictive model that can predict thinking decline in Alzheimer’s patients.

The Amsterdam Alzheimer’s Center, Amsterdam UMC, has developed a predictive model that can predict thinking decline in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease. The next step towards personalized predictions for patients is to develop an app that uses this predictive model. The research has been published in the journal Neurology.

When people are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at a memory clinic, their first question is often: “What can I expect now?” This is a difficult question for doctors to answer. To change that, Peter van der Veer, a physician and researcher at the Alzheimer’s Centre Amsterdam, has developed a predictive model that can predict a decline in thinking skills in Alzheimer’s patients.

Although the predictions do not provide absolute certainty, the model does provide an indication of the disease course over a 5-year period. The prototype application is available for use in scientific studies. The next step is to develop a more user-friendly application with input from patients, family members, and professionals.

Focus on the individual
The predictive model is based on data from around 1,000 patients with Alzheimer’s disease. It uses general information such as age, gender and cognitive test scores, but also data from MRI scans and biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid. “As a result, it provides a prediction that is tailored to each individual,” says van der Veer.

In addition, the model shows each individual patient how difficult it is to make an accurate prediction, due to the uncertainty in the prediction. This is always discussed with the patient. “Previous research shows that people still want information about their prognosis, even if that information is uncertain. So an app with our prediction model could meet an important need.

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Personal prediction as a future perspective
The prediction model is an important first step towards personalized predictions. “This will become even more important in the future if we can cure Alzheimer’s disease,” says Vesse van der Vliere, research director at the Alzheimer’s Centre Amsterdam. “Doctors can use the prediction model to explain the potential impact of a treatment, for example, if patients start living a healthier life or use medication.

This can be a starting point for discussions between the doctor, patient, and family about the pros and cons of treatment, so they can come to the right decision together.

Bron: Alzheimer’s Center Amsterdam

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