Derksen was upset about the Eurovision Song Contest and confronted Bade

Derksen was upset about the Eurovision Song Contest and confronted Bade

Reporter Aran Badey was ‘the man’ to follow last weekend if you want to stay up to date with all the Eurovision Song Contest news (specifically the JoostKline portal). Last night he joined the men Today inside.

It was – to say the least – a special edition of the Eurovision Song Contest this year. After charges were brought against Klein for the alleged threats,… European PopeThe artist was disqualified by regulator the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

Johan Dirksen talks enthusiastically about the Eurovision Song Contest

Johan Dirksen watched some parts of the Eurovision Song Contest and didn’t like everything. He says something about the Swiss winner “looking like a crazy person” and the English group (“it couldn’t be gayer”). “Johan, that word is very old,” Bade, who himself is attracted to men, corrects him. However, he agrees to some extent. “Even George Michael would be surprised. This looked like a urinal. But they had to hide the fact that Olly Alexander wasn’t physically able to cope.”

Van der Gijp also did not particularly enjoy England. “It’s a music country, isn’t it? That’s where the great artists come from. Whether it’s Elton John or Rod Stewart, it doesn’t matter, but if you had shown this to Elton John before you left… it would have been terrible!”

Meanwhile, Derksen continues his anti-gay rhetoric. “Most countries have crazy people and they’re always gay. Say what you want about it, but I think it’s a gay show and it’s starting to bother me. You also have very normal gays who don’t flirt with that.”

Van der Gijp also made a joke about Joost Klein’s exclusion, which you can see here:

Won the best song during the Eurovision Song Contest?

Buddy seems to be able to laugh about it. Jenny is curious how to experience this. “He’s a regular gay person,” Derksen says before Bade can answer. “On what basis is a normal gay person?” Jenny asks. “Because he doesn’t flirt with those sexy behaviors and gestures,” says the mustachioed analyst.

In the meantime, the entertainment reporter remains professional. “It also resulted in 0 points for Olly Alexander. And the general public is involved. There were some moves that made me think: It’s not at all necessary for a family show.”

Derksen says again that it’s a “circus performance” and that you “fall from one gay act to another,” much to Jenny’s horror. “It won best song,” Bade concludes. “Don’t talk bullshit, man,” Derksen laughs.

“Jost Klein came back damaged.”

Of course it was also about the much-discussed Ghost Klein. According to Paddy, he came back from the Eurovision Song Contest damaged. “Mia and Dion came back hurt last year. They partly hold themselves responsible for that. And now Joost Klein too. Derksen: ‘No, he’s the champion.’ Paddy: ‘He’s the champion now, but he wanted to get on the podium in the final.’ Bar guest Bas Nijhuis: “Otherwise he would have finished seventh or eighth, wouldn’t he?”

Gibb believes that Klein has met the wrong person. “You can say to anyone else: ‘Let’s sit down and have a cup of coffee. Let’s forget about it. Sorry, we’ll move on.’ Derksen: “Someone else will complain about this to the organization.”

Jenny said: “There were some things really going on, weren’t there?” Bade: “There is a story that happened before and that he bumped into this lady before.

You can enter today Watch it again via KIJK.

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