Denmark wants to accept asylum seekers outside Europe |  abroad

Denmark wants to accept asylum seekers outside Europe | abroad

Denmark already had a strict asylum policy and is now tightening it even more. Migrants who reach the border will soon be able to fly to a place outside Europe. If their asylum application is approved there, they will be given the right to remain in that host country. Residency in Denmark is still out of the question.

‘host countries’

It is still not clear which countries want to be the “host country”. In Danish media, Egypt, Eritrea and Ethiopia were mentioned as possible locations. International organizations criticized the plan. A senior official at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said he fears a domino effect, as other European countries are also coming up with such asylum legislation.

Supporters of the plan hope immigration will slow further. “If you apply for asylum in Denmark, you know you will be sent to a country outside Europe,” said politician Rasmus Stocklund, immigration spokesman for the ruling Social Democrats. “So we hope that people will stop seeking asylum in Denmark.”

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