De Shalm de Holland-America Line Festival in Westwood breathes new life

De Shalm de Holland-America Line Festival in Westwood breathes new life

The Music Cafe de Shalm de Holland-America Line Festival in Westwood is about to breathe new life. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the village hall. Royal Silver, executive at WEEFF Radio, said: “We started these festivals ten years ago and we did four editions.

“The uniqueness of the festival is that it is performed by North American and Dutch speaking artists,” the administrator continues. “Only North Americans find it difficult to go this route. Fortunately, Martha Fields began living in France.”

Job and Jessica, who performed a lot at the festival, will be on stage this Sunday. “From his special friendship with the late Keys Ootman and his wife Annie, he is still involved in the village hall,” says Roll Zilver. “Zoop is a little old, but occasionally does some shows, including this Sunday show.”

Joost Bodman’s humorous swing

With the exception of Jupiter and Jessica, the selection is mainly for new talents. The exception to this is the singer Justin Botman from Enquisan, who has been performing at De Sholm for many years. He will be bringing the Okobar band with him for next Sunday’s show.

“One of the best guitarists in the Netherlands, Cock von Wurren is a band. Just always knows how to express a lot of emotions,” Roll explains on WEEFF radio on the duis show in the West-Friesland. “He often uses the center of a song between songs. He often provides humorous oscillations for sober songs.”

Feel the good melody

The Sam & Julia duo recorded their first EP under the watchful eye of Tim Knoll on Horn. Their folk, slim indie rock festival will be the big surprise. The Utrecht folk band can be compared to marble waves, but with a Swedish first aid kit. The band combines beautiful musical instruments with good melodies.

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