Coronavirus: Hendrik Strick criticizes – Is politics hidden behind science?

Coronavirus: Hendrik Strick criticizes – Is politics hidden behind science?

How good is the AstraZeneca Corona vaccine? Should schools and day care centers reopen? Virologist Hendrik Strik answers these questions and criticizes the federal government in Germany.

Bremen / Fulda – Coronavirus scientist, Hendrik Strike, participated in the talk show “3nach9” (February 19, Bremen Radio / NDR) AstraZenecaSerum Strongly praised. Federal government received from the director of the University’s Institute for Virus and HIV Research Bonn At the same time Both praise and some criticism. Strike also said about coronavirus mitigation that he no longer considers the ban to be viable.

Corona: Virologist Hendrik Streich praises the AstraZeneca vaccine and criticizes politics

On the talk show “3nach9” Hendrick Strick Among other things Cash In the CoronaPolitician In Germany. “Sometimes it seems to me that the politicians want to hide a little behind the flag,” said a resident of Lower Saxony. “We virologists are good at estimating the degree of infection or risk of mutation, but ultimately the politicians are responsible for making the decision. They were chosen for this.” Strick also reports to Public Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU)*, As reported by

Noun a. A doctor. With. Hendrick Strick
date of Birth August 7, 1977 (in Göttingen)
medical certificate Humboldt University (Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin), Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
specialized Microbiology, virology, and epidemiology of infection
Recruitment University Hospital Bonn
Research priorities HIV, Covid-19

This also applies, for example, to the closing or opening of schools and day care centers. It should be there Politician next one Viruses It also takes into account the experience of child psychologists and educators. The viral portion of the answer to this question is very small. However, there is also no “black and white answer.” Children can become infected and this Corona Virus Go to the parents. It cannot be said that there is no danger or transmission. “

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Children cannot be said to be drivers Corona Viruspandemic. “Such statements cannot be made in a viral or epidemiological manner,” Strick said on the TV program. Take into consideration CoronaPlagiarism In Germany Hendrick Strick The federal government never released a bad report at the request of broker Judith Ruckers.

Coronavirus scientist Hendrik Strik praised the AstraZeneca vaccine on talk show “3nach9”.

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The doctor explained, “I have to make a typical Harvard sandwich out there – good, bad, bad, good.” Biontech / PfizerSerum It was developed with the help of German tax money. In the summer of 2020, based on experience developing vaccines, he was skeptical that this would be the case CoronaGive the vaccine, he said Rope

Depending SARS-CoV-2-Experte See, while it’s kind of choppy at the moment, there’s no reason for that either CoronaVaccines In Germany it is widely criticized: “We bought a lot of vaccines. If none of the vaccines had worked, the same people who are now criticizing the purchase of the vaccine would criticize the fact that so much money was thrown away for the inactive vaccines.”

Coronavirus Scientist Hendrik Strik: Politically Invisible

Hendrick Strick Plus, “I don’t know how I would have decided as secretary of federal health. I would have taken too much of a risk Vaccines Good luck with your purchase. “Given the approach the federal government is taking,” we now have three vaccines that are working well. Corona vaccination to end the epidemic? In an interview with Frankfurter Rundschau, Hendrick Strick givesClassified *

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aboveViruses the outside Bonn Advertise for quality AstraZenecaSerumThe researcher said, aged 43 years: “This is not a class II vaccine.” A good vaccine with good efficacy. Astrazeneca might be better than before. Coronainfection To protect. Vaccines from Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna have been shown to protect against severe pathways. ” the father And the Progress from IPPEN.MEDIA

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