“Commercialization” on role-playing servers in GTA Online is no longer allowed – Games – News

Hello. Frankly it does not matter GTA Online servers. There is *no* “role-playing server” in GTA Online. The rules have been tweaked due to the explosion of (commercially oriented) RP servers on FiveM, but Rockstar/Take Two is doing their best to make it as generic as possible.

It’s not clear to me why this rule was specifically put in place – what’s happening now has little or no effect on GTA Online, as game modes are not blocked on custom MP mods like FiveM. Commercial exploitation only, so between the lines Rockstar turns a blind eye to FiveM’s existence, successes and RP servers.

This is in stark contrast to How was Five M killed in the beginning?And the Trying to take the SP OpenIV mod tool offline.

Perhaps I’m being overly cynical, but I can’t imagine them setting this up so that the moderate (MP) community becomes less economical and toxic, and so it’s done for the benefit of the whole community, because that’s probably the case whether it works.

There has been a lot of dissatisfaction with monetized mods on FiveM recently from modders (SPs) who create and offer free mods, this rule update seems to address that concern and dissatisfaction…

We’ll see how FiveM handles this sort of thing, but at least I see it as a surprisingly positive change.

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