Cindy (46 years old) used to smoke, snack and sit motionless all day, drastically changing her lifestyle: “I feel reborn.”

Cindy (46 years old) used to smoke, snack and sit motionless all day, drastically changing her lifestyle: “I feel reborn.”

I quit smoking, and started eating healthier and exercising more. Cindy Nicks, 46, now feels a lot more fit. The intent is for a hundred of her fellow residents to lead an unhealthy lifestyle her good example through GP. Nothing I can recommend to anyone. “Sometimes I feel like I am reborn.”

Cindy does nothing wipe the sweat from her forehead. She has just finished her exercises in a physical therapist. “It was difficult, but I feel good,” she laughs.

Half Invalid

As a test subject, she is involved in a special project, which has had to drastically change her lifestyle. This was urgently needed, because nothing suffers from various diseases. “I suffer from hernia, diabetes and arthritis.”

Half handicapped, that’s how she describes herself. But thanks to a healthier lifestyle, she says she is now feeling a lot better. I was afraid to have to have the injections due to diabetes. Fortunately, this is not necessary now. But I still need painkillers. “

Amylose, a mother and grandmother, tells what bad habits she has not learned.

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