Charles Kronhuizen with “The Divided States of America” ​​in Swanlaw

Charles Kronhuizen with “The Divided States of America” ​​in Swanlaw

American expert Charles Cronhuizen takes us to the United States, where this year has been politically exciting and important. A new election will be held on November 5. Who is the new president? Storytelling will take place at Theater Swan on June 7.

With his many years of experience as an American correspondent, Charles Groenhuizen can rightly call himself one of the American experts on the Netherlands. Through this lecture he makes you think about various themes and developments. And of course about the upcoming elections in America.

As for America, the Dutch are quick to judge. Their opinion is brief, concise and beyond doubt. Charles says that’s why lecturing about America is so funny. It’s something you can’t be neutral about.

Charles: It leads to interesting and enjoyable discussions with my listeners. It’s even funnier when I say about elections, Donald Trump, Biden, or American society: “I really don’t know that. You got me thinking.

At the literary level, he has published various titles including ‘Americans Are Not Crazy’ and ‘America After Donald Trump’. His latest book ‘The Divided States of America – Land of Unlimited and Undesirable Possibilities’ was published in January this year, with tickets costing €10 for those with a €10 library card. To order

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