October 22, the day when your keyboard screams for attention: World Capslock Day! In this list we collect the funniest and top tweets that celebrate this keyboard euphoria. Get ready for a series of outrageous humor!
1. How sweet!
I just received a Facebook friend request from my grandmother. She does this from her tablet. Which also sends me a text message (with caps lock) when I’m away. For your information: My grandmother is 93 years old. <3
– Sigrid Stamcott (@SigridS) August 31, 2019
2. Annoying for you!
The CAPSLOCK on my MACBOOK will not turn off anymore.
– Bart Lopes (@bartlobe) July 8, 2018
3. Jamming device
Mothers and caps lock. pic.twitter.com/7S2Gjhqkxh
– Mehdi (@mehdi_karayusuf) January 9, 2021
4. What a beautiful rhyme.
try this:
From your question mark
Exclamation mark!From your small letters
Cap lockFrom your space
And from you
Tik Tok
There is no back spaBecause of himself
Typo allowedSurely he does too
sometimesFrom a misplaced comma
Useless.#normal– Pascal Cuijpers (@pascalcuijpers) February 27, 2019
With Bellinga addresses are entirely in uppercase, except for i.
I have no idea why, but I find it really annoying.
Or should I say;
Chittertant pic.twitter.com/FzuQgJ4HWe
– Rick Broers (@NietRickBroers) March 13, 2019
6. Clear…
I discovered in time that I had locked capital letters when writing comments for a student. Original idea but I’m still not entirely convinced by your final analysis.
– Tazuko Van Berkel (@TazukoVanBerkel) May 8, 2021
7. And in German, sometimes.
Good morning!
If there is anything in CAPSLOCK. ..
The voice in my head will speak more powerfully!
Which you know
I wish you beautiful moments today! pic.twitter.com/vLJRJCYL2i
– Koosje (@Koosje1973) August 16, 2023
8. Really not.
Some people excel a little at the international level #CAPSLOCKDAG! pic.twitter.com/jOtv0IJupr
– Donald Duck (@DonaldDuckNL) October 22, 2015
9. Annoying for you.
When people type using Capslock, I hear it screaming in my head, so irritating!
– /Eileen (@lienepien1) August 10, 2021
10. Very comfortable.
I was 51 when I discovered that the Capslock arrow on my iPhone stayed in Capslock if I tapped it twice in quick succession.
– Mark Traa (@marktraa) June 10, 2020
11. It’s so embarrassing to say that
Call ICT 3 times because login is not possible. It looks like Capslock is running. pic.twitter.com/zNuorPU3d7
-Zjos Dekker (@zjosdekker) June 21, 2019
12. True. Thank you.
If you write everything in CAPSLOCK it is correct
– Young (@YungJanssen_) October 9, 2020
13. Change course.
Do you use “Shift” for uppercase letters or “CapsLock”?
– Robbe (@PutzeysRobbe) February 19, 2022
14. Super intense too
CAPSLOCK messages are more fun
– Nele Van Loon (@NeleLoon) March 25, 2021
15. Or very convincing?
When the entire opinion is on CAPSLOCK, I usually find it completely irrelevant up front.
– Chaginin (@chaginin) August 21, 2020
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