Can geoengineering save glaciers? And should we want to?

Can geoengineering save glaciers? And should we want to?

About the episode

It’s a hot topic in an increasingly hot world: geoengineering. The conscious intervention in the Earth’s natural systems with the aim, among other things, of combating or slowing the negative consequences of climate change.

It is the stuff of conspiracy theories, but also the stuff of debate among scientists. Without saying that this should actually be the way to go, a group of American researchers, for example, are now calling for at least a serious discussion about whether geoengineering could slow down the melting of glaciers. Of course, the drawbacks of intervening in this kind of process are also taken into account.

Every glacier system in the world is currently undergoing major changes. More and more meltwater is ending up in the sea, with consequences that are now well known for the rest of the world.

It has already been suggested that in key areas where there is a lot of melting, walls or curtains should be installed to protect the ice from the increasingly warm sea water. Research into this is already underway.

It is also being investigated whether reducing meltwater could help, for example by drilling holes and drawing out the water or freezing it artificially before it reaches the sea and greatly affects the structure of the ice shelf along the way.

But both options are expensive and radical, which will also impact the local ecosystem and communities. Even when it comes to taste alone.

Whether this intervention has more positive than negative long-term consequences will likely not be possible for decades of research, partly because we still do not fully understand or predict the natural mechanisms.

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That’s why, these scientists say, we need to take bigger steps now so we still have a chance to find out in time.

They add that preventing things from getting worse through human action, for example by reducing emissions, remains the main priority.

Read more here: Scientists call for ‘major initiative’ to study whether geoengineering should be used on glaciers

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