Boos and whistles at the Glass Carriage driving tour and balcony scene

Boos and whistles at the Glass Carriage driving tour and balcony scene

NOS / Martin Pink

NOS . Newsmodified

Groups of people with upturned flags stood at several places along the glass coach road between Nordende Palace and Koninklijke Schoburg. Nonsense was also heard and whistles sounded as the carriage carrying Willem Alexander, Queen Maxima, and Princess Amalia passed by.

A man was arrested at Bezuidenhoutseweg in The Hague. The photos show that he was taken away by the officers. The police spokesman has yet to say why the man was arrested. According to local media, the police asked him to hand over a stick on which he had hung the protest flag, but he refused.


Princess Beatrix at the State Council Building

There were also people holding upturned flags in front of the State Council Building. Princess Beatrix, who had been watching the procession from that building, seemed unable to see the carriage as a result.

Boos and inverted flags during a driving tour

Also on the way back to Nordeinde Palace, there were cheers and boos and the people stood upside down herding. In the Council of State, “traitors” were being shouted frequently, while Princess Beatrix, who had stood up to see the carriage, waved.

Also in the balcony scene, a group of protesters with upturned flags were heard and seen again. The loud cheers of the children and other royals present were partly engulfed in the boos.

Yelling and booing during the balcony scene

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