Bird flu at Heeten Hobby Farms: Owners view culling with affection

Bird flu at Heeten Hobby Farms: Owners view culling with affection

The angel watches with affection the killing of swans, ducks and other birds. The highly pathogenic H5 virus has been identified in animals. So a ban was imposed on transportation within a ten kilometer radius around the yard.

Mercy from the mayor

Ralte Mayor Martin D’Adema has been in contact with the injured bird keeper. He had also seen that there were many emotions in Heetense Arena. The ban on transportation affected 36 poultry farms in the region. Dadima says he also wants to help them and mediate contacting the ministry if necessary.

What is bird flu?

Avian influenza (Avian Influenza, AI) is a collective name for various influenza viruses. There is a moderate and severe form. The dangerous form is also called classic avian influenza. Most viruses are of the mild type. Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI). Animals show mild symptoms of the disease. However, in H5 or H7 avian influenza, this can change to a highly contagious variant; Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). For this reason, companies are also excluded from the mild form in the event of an H5 or H7 outbreak. (Source: WUR)

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