Award-winning Reynolds Mast wants to stumble across the United States after a ‘chaotic’ period

Award-winning Reynolds Mast wants to stumble across the United States after a ‘chaotic’ period

For the past two years, his college basketball team has won at Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois. Arch madness The tournament is the final of the Missouri Valley Conference, which features ten teams from the states of Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Missouri.

Three players are subject to regulation

Still, the Braves title is a favorite for durability. The past is unresolved after three key players on the team were subjected to a disciplinary suspension from the ruling champion. Team with Redshirt is new During the regular season Ryongmast won six games and lost twelve, meaning the team finished eighth in the league table.

“The last few weeks have been very confusing for our team. We lost our old three players a few games before the end of the season. You know it’s going to be tough, but we tried to do it better,” Mast said, personally after seeing his first year due to injury. Has a good season.

Awards for Mast

The former Toner player is a regular base player and has already been named by his university at the start of the season Weekend Athlete. He was also appointed to his conference New for the week. He excels consistently this season and at the end of the regular season, he was also selected as one of the top five newcomers to the conference.

Confidence results against the best team

In addition, the team is confident, after a double encounter with Number Two, Drake from Des Moines, Iowa. Although at first it did not seem to be happening properly.

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‘We played in the last two games of the regular season against Drake last weekend, Next. Drake was one of the best teams at the conference this season, and was even in the top 25 teams in the country for a few weeks this season. We had a chance to win the first match, but we ended up short (71-80) ‘says Mast.

Everyone showed their best game, and that was enough

Nothing mast

Before the start of the second game, it became very difficult. The previous day we were told that our starting point guard would not play because he had a wrist injury. Our initial shooting guard also did not play because he was very ill. The day before he had played through it. After playing for a few minutes, our starter rested with a small forward ankle injury. ‘

‘We had six players left, three of them newcomers, two Sophomores and me. Out of the nine normal rounds we played when everyone was available, only two players remained. Somehow managed to win that match (67-61). Everyone showed their best game, and that was enough. ‘

‘Feeling good after a big failure’

“It gives us a good sense of our chances for the competition,” Mast continues. ‘It is played in a knock-out system, so every match is decisive. The regular season was a big failure, but now we have the opportunity to fix it by performing better in matches. That means the winner of this competition is this year’s champion, and will get a place in it March Madness The final match. I hope we can make something beautiful, but it will definitely be a challenge, ‘concludes Mast.

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Degenerator Southern Illinois

Bradley will play his first game against Dutch ninth-placed Southern Illinois from Thursday to Friday at midnight Dutch time. Both teams have beaten each other once in the regular season. With one win, the regular season number one, Loyola from Chicago, has previously lost to Bradley twice, waiting for Dutch time on Friday at 6:00 p.m.

Number eight is never a champion

The tournament, which is played annually at the Institutional Center in St. Louis, Missouri, runs through Sunday. Last year, Bradley, with Mast as an observer, won the competition for fourth place in the regular season. The year before, Bradley had finished fifth. Winning the number eight competition since the beginning of 1977 has not happened.

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– Ryang Mast attracts in America: ‘Athlete of the Week and New’
– Basketball player Rieng Mast has a special time in the United States

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