At the end of this year, Brexit cost what the UK paid the EU for 47 years – Joop

At the end of this year, Brexit cost what the UK paid the EU for 47 years – Joop

Mark 2406Jan 20. 2020-13: 15

Leaving aside the question of whether Brussels really is a tyrannical power as some have argued, the real question here is whether the British are really gaining freedom by leaving the European Union, or have they just become a puppet of the world’s major powers (EU, US, China, Russia etc.). till then). It is questionable whether they wish to be ‘free’ from the EU, if only because at the moment the British have 0.0 influence on the path to follow precisely because they chose to leave the EU. Instead of regaining control, they just lose control. In order to “reclaim” freedom, one must remain within the EU to try to influence the organization from within. This card has now been delivered, so Brexit is a huge mishap from a freedom standpoint. The truth is that the world is becoming a smaller and smaller place, and this has little to do with supranational organizations like the European Union. It has more to do with technological developments (not least the Internet), and geopolitical issues that do not take into account illusory man-made boundaries. The economy and society as a whole are merging into larger planets. Thus, sovereignty is something that is increasingly being shared, and that is exactly where the European Union comes in. The EU is specifically about shared influence, and by positioning yourself outside the EU, the UK is only losing influence, prestige and influence. In short, Brexit only harms the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. The mistake is to assume that the European Union is the engine of unification/globalization, while it is an attempt to steer the same globalization in the right direction. Then one can certainly debate whether the way the EU does it is the right way, but one should not deny the need for a supranational political organization like the EU. The truth is that when Brexit does happen, globalization itself will continue, and Britons will deeply regret the entire Brexit farce if they find out that they will have less of a say in the direction globalization is headed. It is clear that globalization has serious consequences for identity, which is increasingly linked to “external” influences. Ultimately people’s identity is something that has fluctuated over the centuries, in the case of Brexit, it is of course no coincidence that older people feel their identity is under pressure, while for younger generations this is not a problem. So I don’t think identity preservation is something where one should listen closely to the sentiments of the younger generations rather than the old, if only because young people have a longer way to go compared to old people. Aside from the fact that Brexit harms the interests of the elderly just as it harms the interests of the young, the interests of the elderly are currently being put before the interests of the young while the opposite should be true. In terms of identity, one should choose Europe even if only because most young people in the UK increasingly identify with Europe rather than the UK.

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