Art Rooijakkers discontinued guitar lessons due to ‘lack of talent’ |  Currently

Art Rooijakkers discontinued guitar lessons due to ‘lack of talent’ | Currently

Art Rooijakkers stopped taking guitar lessons. The announcer is doing this because of a ‘lack of talent’, writes on Sunday Instagram.

Playing guitar is on my “Skills I’ll Never Master” list. In addition to his lack of talent, he also says he doesn’t have the time for it.

Rooijakkers begins with his message “I broke up with him.” “After previous failed attempts, I thought I could take up guitar lessons again at the beginning of this year. I bravely prepared to work with my poor performance. dancing in the darkencouraged enthusiastically by teacher Juep.”

His teacher did everything he could to help him. “Joep’s infinite patience and positivity were a support in the quiet months when I wasn’t allowed to speak.” But now that his schedule is “filled up again” and he can exercise again, it’s time to “get his body back to normal.” So he texted his teacher to tell him he wanted to quit smoking. According to Royjackers, his mentor responded “almost immediately” that he “completely understands” the Royjackers case.

The presenter could not speak for a hundred days due to the treatment of a tumor in the vocal cords. He underwent several surgeries. The Rooijakkers announced earlier this month that he had regained his voice.

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