Are left-handed people smarter?

Are left-handed people smarter?

What do Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Angelina Jolie, Princess Amalia and Julia Roberts have in common? On the right, they are all left-handed. So if you’re a lefty, this isn’t a bad list to add to. Nowadays, it is very normal to be left-handed, but did you know that in the Middle Ages, left-handers were accused of witchcraft, malice, and the devil? But it is not clear what exactly to do with it. But nowadays, the idea is still being put around that left-handed people are actually more intelligent than right-handed people. But what does science actually say about this?

The belief that two-handedness is a thing has been around for centuries, and research seems to support both sides. According to one study, left-handed people are smarter, and another study suggests that right-handed people have an advantage.

Are left-handed people smarter?

A number of studies have shown that left-handers have the upper hand in terms of intelligence. It turns out Find the left hand They were significantly more likely to perform better on an intelligence test than right-handed people. The latter group also needed more time to complete the test.

In addition to being more intelligent, left-handed people are also said to be more creative. An old study from the 1970s concluded that, on average, left-handed people think more creatively than right-handed people. For example, test subjects were asked what alternative applications they could think of for cleaning. Strange question, but left-handers came up with many other possibilities, such as a mosquito swatter, a sock holder, a flower pot, and a dresser decoration. According to scientists, it is not surprising that this group is more creative. Left-handers must constantly come up with creative solutions, as the world is “designed” for right-handers and so they learn on their own Out of the box He thinks.

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In addition, other research has revealed that there are indeed genetic differences between left- and right-handed people. In left-handed people, the right and left hemispheres of the brain are better connected, hence the intelligence. This would make left-handers better at verbal skills.

Are right-handed people smarter?

But… does this also mean that left-handed people are actually smarter? Well, no. There is also one Find the right hand Which suggests that right-handed people perform better on cognitive tests than left-handed people.

a Another study found no difference in IQ between left- and right-handed people. People who were intellectually gifted or had normal development were more likely to be left-handed than left-handed.

Then finally there is another one Other research on IQ scores. While the data indicated that right-handed people had slightly higher IQ scores compared to left-handed people, the scientists noted that the intelligence differences between right-handers and left-handers were generally negligible.

And what is the result?

From this we can see that we cannot say that left-handers are smarter than right-handers. This is really very shortsighted. Moreover, intelligence can be defined in different ways. For example, you may be good at certain skills, be the best at learning, have a lot of emotional knowledge, or be a creative superstar. This shows again that everyone excels at something and that we shouldn’t be brushing off one group with the same brush.

Pron: HealthlineAnd research

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