Apps of the Week: Finally do something with this pile of LEGO bricks |  Currently

Apps of the Week: Finally do something with this pile of LEGO bricks | Currently

Do something fun with LEGO bricks in your home and Disney characters through augmented reality like you’ve never seen before. These are the apps of the week.


If you own a large LEGO set, you often don’t know what you can make with it. The Brickit app uses your smartphone’s camera to see which bricks you have and then suggests structures you can make. The blocks do not have to be strictly next to each other.

What’s new in the app is that you can find out exactly where the stones are. This way you don’t have to search the whole pile for that one stone. With this update, AI is also getting smarter. It now sets the correct stone in 92 percent of cases.

Additionally, users can now upload their own build designs to Brickit. The app converts these designs into instructions and makes them available to others.

The app is free and limited to use, but to be able to scan all kinds of LEGO bricks and access all the designs, you need Brickit Pro. You can try it for free for seven days. After that, it costs 3.99 euros per month.

Download Brickit for Android or iOS (Free).

Disney Mirrorverse

In the new game Disney Mirrorverse You dive into different Disney worlds, but not like you’re used to. The game takes place in the mirror world where things are a little different.

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It’s nice that you encounter familiar characters from Disney movies in a completely different way. This is how Bill came out Beauty and the beast Warrior with magical crew and fight against super evil in this world forever. You will also learn about alternative versions of Ariel from the little MermaidWoody it Toy Storyoutside Elsa frozen And Mickey Mouse.

Together, they must battle rift villains who are wreaking havoc and destruction. This happens as a fighting game where you fight enemies that are getting more and more difficult. The characters need improvement for that. This can be done by playing a lot, but also by spending money.

Download Disney Mirrorverse at Android or iOS (Free).


From now on, PostNL will not put a note in the letterbox if you are not home to accept the package. Instead, the app communicates the action to be taken. For example, that the parcel was delivered to the neighbors or that you have to pick up your order from a parcel point.

According to PostNL, this switch saves about 70,000 kilograms of paper annually. In addition, it saves the time of parcel delivery.

If you have not installed the application and have not created an account, you will receive emails. If PostNL also does not have an email address, a paper note will simply be placed in the letter box.

PostNL download for Android or iOS (Free).

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