According to research, the Netherlands once again has the best pension system in the world | Economy
The Dutch pension system is the best in the world. This returns our country to first place, a position we had to give up to Iceland last year.
Researchers from the US consulting firm Mercer and the investment organization CFA Research compared pension systems in 47 countries, where 64 percent of the world’s population lives. Our country has emerged as the best.
This is partly because pension fund investments are sound and well supervised. However, our pension system will be reformed in the coming years.
According to experts, our post-reform pension is more suitable for the present time. Nowadays, you are unlikely to work in the same sector for forty years or spend part of your career as an entrepreneur.
“Inflation and high interest rates are major challenges around the world.”
The Netherlands ranked first on the list for years, but lost this position last year. This year, our country is back at the top again, followed by Iceland and Denmark.
According to Margaret Franklin of the CFA Institute, high inflation and rising interest rates pose major challenges to retirement plans around the world. It also says people will play an increasingly important role in their pensions.
In addition to the Netherlands, the list also includes Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, China, India and the United States. Of all the countries studied, Argentina has the worst system.
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