A quarter of European companies are well prepared to thrive in the digital economy after COVID

A quarter of European companies are well prepared to thrive in the digital economy after COVID

Thriver brand leaders are often practical and open to change. The new era demands a new type of leadership that is responsible, adaptable and invested in innovation. The other important common denominator is all of these companies a They have an organizational culture based on trust. The relationship between the employer and the employee has changed due to the new era, based on trust and independence. Quick decision-making is also a common characteristic of successful leaders. By working together in real time, they stay on the cutting edge of rapid changes and can continue to adapt. Finally, learning and development remains important. Firms must continue to look for new ways to enable their employees to best meet customer needs.

“The world has changed and digital technology has become the way people communicate, work, learn and have fun,” said Alex Azzopardi, Managing Director at Adobe Netherlands. “Business leaders must embrace transparency, confidence and agility to excel in this new era of expertise in which digitalization is a prerequisite for staying competitive.”

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