A Dutch YouTuber created an AI-powered radio station where everything is fake

A Dutch YouTuber created an AI-powered radio station where everything is fake

Gijsje Groen, Backflip Boys, Baylo Baby: these are all defunct artists you can hear now on HDFM. There are deejays, like Renzo de Kooning and Evert Kist, who you don't know and there is news that is not published in NRC or on Nu.nl. The radio station is called High Definition Fake Music and it is completely based on artificial intelligence.

Deejays, commercials, news, music: everything is made using artificial intelligence and therefore not real. The radio station was created by Jeffrey Wertz, known on YouTube as Egbert, but who can also be seen as a sidekick on the TV show Beau. Jeffrey is real, but his radio station is not. We thought it was an April Fool's joke for a moment, but this radio station is really listenable. Jeffrey hopes people will vote for the music, so that the top 50 AI-generated songs can be broadcast over the weekend.

He got the idea from Skyradio: there are no DJs at all, but according to him, this is one of the highest-paid computers in the Netherlands. Of course, there's a bit more work in Skyradio than just running a computer, like creating leaders, arranging commercials, etc. However, Jeffrey came up with a smarter idea: creating an entire radio station based on artificial intelligence. In the telegraph He says there are twelve hours of music to listen to, but who knows, maybe more will come if HDFM proves successful.

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Jeffrey started it with two of his friends and together they watched Radio 538 and SLAM! To copy the trick. After all, many radio stations have a certain structure, with news around the clock, some songs and then commercials, all day long. On HDFM, you can also hear news reports every half hour, specifically on Nepnieuws.

Funny detail: Although the ads on the channel are made using AI, companies can buy airtime and get AI ads for that specific company.

Curious about what that looks like? You can now watch HDFM via Twitch He listens.

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