A drunkard was arrested on charges of threatening his nephew and directing his niece’s genitals

A drunkard was arrested on charges of threatening his nephew and directing his niece’s genitals

On Wednesday 12 June, the Western Suriname Regional Assistance Team (RBTW) arrested and handed over the 62-year-old suspect KR, also known as “Bhaina”, near his home address in Rambaran Mishroeg in the Nickerie District. To the police station Corantijn.

His nephew JH (33) and niece KM (25) filed a report against this suspect on Tuesday, May 28, with threats and obscenity respectively.

The nephew informed the police that it was a real estate issue, as he lives on the same plot of land with his uncle KR, but in separate houses.

The suspect believes that J.H. He is not allowed to live at the address and, while drunk, threatened to kill his nephew and his family. He also stated that he would sexually assault his nephew’s wife.

K.M.’s niece told law officers that she lives opposite her uncle’s house, and whenever he was under the influence of alcohol, he would urinate from the balcony. When the 62-year-old man confronts his behavior and sees women passing by, he sticks out his genitals.

The suspect was brought to trial, and after consultation with the Public Prosecution, he was detained by the police. The investigation is ongoing.

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